quinta-feira, 3 de maio de 2012

The Ilusive jsGrid (IV)

Here we are again! So, let's say we want to mess around with rows availability: disable this one, enable that one depending on some other cell value...

First stop (not exactly, just sort of): (on GridManager.Init()) jsGridControl.SetDelegate(SP.JsGrid.DelegateType.GetRecordEditMode, myGetRecordEditMode);

This is what myGetRecordEditMode should look like

function myGetRecordEditMode (record) { ... }

Now, let's say our table has a column named 'status', containing integers (that represent different statuses), and that for some statuses (like '0' or 'Draft') the corresponding row should be editable, and for others it should be read-only (like '5' or 'Closed'). It's easy:

function myGetRecordEditMode(record) {
if (record.properties['status'].dataValue == 0) //Draft
return SP.JsGrid.EditMode.ReadWrite;
if (record.properties['status'].dataValue == 5) //Closed
return SP.JsGrid.EditMode.ReadOnly;
return SP.JsGrid.EditMode.ReadOnlyDefer; //All other status

The star of the show here is the «SP.JsGrid.EditMode» enum - this is its definition: SP.JsGrid.EditMode={ ReadOnly: 0, ReadWrite: 1, ReadOnlyDefer: 2, ReadWriteDefer: 3, Defer: 4 }; more details here microsoft.sharepoint.jsgrid.editmode (warning: this is the server-side counterpart, but it fits the purpose). It helps making row enabling/disabling quite simple; the real trick - and this is why in the previous code example all other status get the SP.JsGrid.EditMode.ReadOnlyDefer value, and not just SP.JsGrid.EditMode.ReadWrite - is mixing row editability with column editability. I'll provide more details in a future post.

3 comentários:

  1. is there a way to get row number on cell click here? I can get complete grid row count. What i want is, if i click on cell that is on 7th row, then do some action. unable to get row number (7)

  2. Hey! Have you checked grid.GetSelectedCellRanges()?

  3. I dont see any SP.JsGrid.GetSelectedCellRanges() property..am I missing something?
